Cannonball Jellyfish
Stomolophus meleagris
Extremely common along the Atlantic coast from New York to the Gulf of Mexico during early spring through summer. May also be present year-round. Cannonballs are one of, if not the densest jellyfish, having a cartiledge like texture to them.

An all white color morph is found in the Gulf of Mexico. Although they get much larger and lack the reddish freckles, these have been genetically confirmed as Stomolophus meleagris as well.
Caring for Cannonball Jellyfish
Despite their abundance in the wild, this species has not been frequently cultured in captivity and info on their captive care is sparse. In our experience, wild caught specimens can be tough to maintain long term.
Stocking density: Lacking tentacles, Cannonball jellies can be kept pretty close together.
Flow: Medium, they are capable of keeping themselves suspended and only need a little bit of flow to assist.
Feeding: Live brine shrimp, live or frozen rotifers
Temperature Range: 68-74 F
Salinity: Cannonball Jellies are one species that benefit from a brackish salinity.
1.014 SG or 20 ppt
Life Stages

These juveniles are past the metaephyra stage but don't quite resemble the adults in form or color yet.

Planula larva